A Place to Pray
Photo: Allison McGinley
Framed Art: Rakhi McCormick
Do you have a place set aside where you can stop and breathe a moment, where you can invite God to speak to you and where you can be quiet enough to listen? Last week, several members of the Take Up and Read team shared their prayer spaces with you on Instagram. You can catch those in our archives if you missed them.
We'd love to join you in your prayer space this Lent. We'd love for you to sit with our journal and your Bible and meet God in the moments of your day set aside for Him--and for the tender care of your soul. We'd also to love the chance to help you make that space beautiful.
This beautiful print is our gift to our daily email subscribers. When you subscribe to our daily emails, you will get a message every day with links to that day's scripture readings, some thoughts to ponder, and an image to inspire. You'll also get the link to download this beautiful print, suitable for framing. And you will be able to download beautiful art from our other journals as well.
If you're thinking of giving up social media for Lent, a daily post subscription is a quiet way to stay connected and focused with our scripture community, without the distraction of social media noise.
We promise to enter gently into your space in the morning and we'd be honored to be invited.
If you're already a subscriber, the link at the bottom of every email will take you to the art downloads.