Consider the Lilies-6888.jpg


In Your Bible:

Psalm 56:1-4

John 17:11-19

John 15: 7-11

John 16:1-4

Encourage One Another:

As we begin to study the Consider the Lilies journal and we begin to gather as a community here in this space, we beg your prayers for one another. We're also asking earnestly for you to offer yourself here. Let's make this place a place that inspires in one another a love for seeking Him in the Word.

Last time we did this study, the following was a part of the first day: Remember, the questions discussion prompts here every day can also be used in your real life spaces--coffee shops, living rooms, playgrounds--to gather with women and look them in the eye and build relationships that have a common language of Scripture. So don't be shy about asking a friend to join you!

Of course, the world is different now, and it’s not so easy to invite someone into your actual space. Do consider ways to reach out, though.

What is keeping you from making a daily habit of digging into God’s Word? How can we help?

If you’re a veteran of daily time alone with Scripture, please share all your best ideas for helping us develop this devotion to God in His Word everyday.